We Are Twins

Hey guys i want you to know my twins. Actually we are not twins, but because of joke we become twins :). Well here are my twins and some information of them, hope you enjoy it.

1. Melyarta Natalia a.k.a Ploy

She is my first twins. We usually call her mely, wanita perkasa, or The Power of J. LOL :D well, she is nice and strong girl. She in second grade Mardi Waluya Senior High School, same with me. I met her on first grade when i have same class with her in X-3.

Sometimes i fight with her nobody win nobody lose. Fighting just like something make us happy.

She has two sisters. They are Febby and Kesya. 

I usually hang out with her. We like go to somewhere if we have a problem. Well, we usually go to my another friends house :)
Here are some picture of me and Ploy :

 2. Hogla Deborah Ester a.k.a Pley

She is my second twins. We usually call her oda. She is talented girl, she can play organ, and sing with wonderful voice. I met her when we sit at same class on first grade same like Ploy.

Somethings that make me never forget her is her laugh, her joke, and her silly thing. :)

She has a beautiful body actually a model body. She is tall, and have nice smile. :)

She has one sister and one brother. They're name Girlen and David Joe Alexander Rieuwpassa.

Here are some pictures of me and Pley :

3. Shantylana a.k.a Pom
She is my third twins. W usually call her shanty, nty, butu-butu or mendutlana butar-butar. Same like Pley she is talented girl too. She can play organ and have a unbelievable voice. Sometimes she bullying me, she said i'm short. Yeah that's our joke. :) She has one sister and one brother same like Pley. They're name Sintha and Rafael.
 Here are some pictures of me and Pom :

Well, that's some information of my twins. We're crazy teenage twins. Sometimes we have a ridiculous idea! The point is we try to enjoy our life.


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