from ME to YOU







That's All The Words I Want To Say

Happy Birthday Honey :)

Happy Birthday my beloved CINDY ANJANI.

Pertama gue kenal lo pas kita masih SD, jelas saat itu dimata gue lo adalah peranakan jin piyo-piyo, kenapa gue bilang gitu karena jelas dari atas sampe bawah lo pake pernak-pernik piyo-piyo.

Dan kita ketemu lagi pas SMA dan kebetulan gue sekelas sama lo, dan kita mulai deket setelah UTS semester 1. Lo banyak cerita ke gue, nangis-nangsi di baju gue, dan kemana-mana sama gue. Kalo ada masalah juga laporan sama gue. Berasa satpam gue jadinya!  

Gue pengen cerita semuanya tentang lo dimata gue :)

Setiap orang ada sisi negative dan positive nya, dan gue yakin lo tau juga tentang hal itu!

Oke dimulai dari yang positivenya :
* Lo ga pelit kalo ada orang minjem barang lo
* Lo pinter bergaul
* Lo lucu dan gokil

Dan yang negativenya adalah :
* Anda manja
* Cengeng banget apalagi soal si welly
* Ga bisa ngatur keuangan

Oke selama hampir 2 tahun ini gue deket sama lo ada beberapa fakta-fakta yang harus gue sampaikan yaitu :
# Waktu kelas 1 hampir setiap hari gue nyelamatin hidup lo, dari mulai nyebrang hamper ketabrak, jalan juga hamper ketabrak pokoknya semuanya dah.
# Pas kelas 1 gue pernah ngejalanin program diet buat lo, dalam 1minggu itu berhasil tapi seminggu kemudian teng…teng… lo mulai makan sepuas hati lagi
# Dan banyak fakta-fakta laen yang males gue jelasin karena banyaknya bukan maen!

Oke maaf ya Nday kalo gue gabisa ngasih kado, gue cuma bisa ngepost ini doang. :) Hope you all the best, God bless and love you always Honey :*

Here are some pictures of my Cindy Anjani

Putting freezing cold hands on someone warm!

When a guy calls you HOT,he looks at your BODY
When a guy calls you pretty,he looks at your FACE
When a guy calls you gorgeous,he looks at your CLOTHES
But when he calls you BEAUTIFUL,he sees EVERYTHING! :)

<3This is how it works:
You're young until you're not
You love until you don't
You try until you can't
You laugh until you cry
And everyone must breathe until their dying breath!

I was thinking about him, thinking about me.
Thinking about us, what we gonna be?
Open my eyes, yeah; it was only just a dream..

The Cutest Baby Boy :)

Well he is the cutest BABY BOY, i have ever met
His name is David Joe Alexander Rieuwpassa
Well, i know him from my friends, actually David is my friends brother.
My friends name is Hogla Deborah Ester Rieuwpassa.
Well, like sister like brother :) Both of them are funny person and cute.
When i went to hogla home, david usually greet us. :)

Okay, here are some pictures of David :)

This is my favorite :)
 Look his style

Playing with his toys :)

David with Hogla :)