What happen on december?

What happen on december?

1. It's my birthday (05 december)
Finnaly seventeen years old, feel so old you know! Thanks to everyone who said happy birthday to me, thanks for all pray you give the present to me and thanks to who didn't do it at all. I still love you:) 

2. My surprise birthday party (10 december)
A little bit late but thanks to all my friends who planned it, 
I really feel so glad have a friend like al of you guys :) and thanks for   the cake I like it so much :)

3. Class meet (11 december - 15 december)
Finally class meet is here, feel so excited cause of that. Even though the soccer girl team didn't win like last year but I still feel so happy. My class (voltages2) won the basket girl(1st place), scrabble game(1st place), madding class (2nd place), spelling bee(3rd place). The last class meet for my grade, will miss you guys so much :* 

4. Playing at my home (15 december)
After class meet caca,topel and agri went to my house. Feel so happy they are in my home, at the first we play guitar sang some church song, than galau song, and finally they went to their own home at 7pm,hahaha. Such as great day.

5. Party at my home (16 december)
Cause I feel so thankful to my friend who gave me the surprise party I make a little party in my house. So many people at that time, even though at that time I feel a little bit upset but my friends always cheer me up. One by one my friend went to their own home and finally the rest is chacha, topel, and agri just like the day before,haha :D

6. 20 december
What happen on this day? Nothing special but for me it's really important, cause 20 december 2011 is the last time I saw him, and it means already one year I didn't meet him. Really miss him, so what should I do now? Forget him or keep waiting?

7. Report day (21 december)
Yea report time *goose bumps. Feel so worry about my report book, really scared if my score was bad and my parents got angry to me. But the fact it's not like what I think about, my score was good! I feel so happy cause of that. Thank you GOD, I love You so much :) after I took the report book, I went to my bestie home detha. Spent my time together in her house, talk about everything. Have so much fun with her :)

8. Christmas in bandung (25 december)
Celebrate christmas in bandung with my family and my church mate. A little bit upset cause of the trip is really long and that' make me tired!! But the drama I saw in Church cheer me again :D

9. Play badminton than mc donald (26 december)
Play badminton with topel,agri,Rico,caca, and susi. Feel so happy cause they make a lot of fun. After we played badminton, we went to mc Donald by motorcycle. We ate some meal, and drink coke. After that we just talk and talk.

10. Caca's party (27 december)
The party start at 7pm. We celebrated caca party with cook some of chicken and corn. Ate some cake, and make some joke. At the end we played the fireworks. Feel so happy that day, and finally my brother topel send me to my home, I arrived at 11pm. Wow, my mom a little bit worry cause of that.

That's all happens at december the other day just stay at home with nothing to do. Feel so boring a lot!! I hope on 2012 every things become better! And I hope I become the student at soedirman university.

Ngisi Bullbo

Question by : @benakribo (and his BLOG!)

Tentang Seseorang :

1. Siapa yang ada di background handphone kamu? Muka ade gua :)
2. Siapa orang terakhir yang kamu sms? Abang gua
3. Siapa orang terakhir yang kamu bbm? - (kagak punya bb)
4. Siapa orang terakhir yang kamu telpon? nyokap gua
5. Siapa orang yang sekarang ada di sebelah kamuuu hiii... anjing gua si birong.
6. Siapa temen kamu yang baru aja ulang tahun? Enrico Yuwono ( 9/9/2011)
7. Siapa sih temen yang setiap hari kamu ajak ngobrol? si melyarta natalia 
8. Kenapa dia? karena dia sahabat gua :)
9. Kalo kamu punya duit 100rb, kamu mau traktir siapa dan apa? emak gua, coklat silverqueen
10. Siapa temen kamu yang pernah bikin kamu nangis? tentu saja si manusia babi AGRI PINEM!

Tentang Kamu :

11. Kebiasaan kamu yang patut ditiru orang lain apa sih? bukan tipe perebut cowo orang (curcol!)
12. Kalo kamu mau ngupil bilang-bilang dulu ngga? tentu saja tidak!
13. Biasanya kamu buang upil kemana? kemana saja yang mudah di jangkau!
14. Apa sih kebiasaan buruk kamu? tidur dimana aja
15. Bunyi kentut kamu biasanya gimana sih? dut...dut...preettttt...
16. Binatang apa sih yang menggambarkan kamu bangedh? Kuda
17. Alat musik yang bisa kamu mainin? Suling
18. Biasanya mandi berapa kali sehari? 2 kali kadang kalo males 2 hari sekali
19. Benda dari seseorang yang sampe sekarang masih kamu simpen? apa? dari siapa? gelang dari abang gua
20. Benda yang lagi kamu pengenin banget? blackberry

Tentang Sekolah / Waktu Sekolah :

21. SMP/SMA mana? (pilih salah satu) SMA Mardi Waluya
22. Nilai paling bagus pelajaran apa? Olahraga
23. Kalo jajan ke kantin beli apa? coklat
24. Berapa uang jajannya waktu itu? 15 rebu
25. Pernah jadian ngga waktu itu? sama? pernah, temen TK
26. Guru yang paling kamu benci? kenapa? bapak *** ******i, PILIH KASIH!
27. Pelajaran yang paling kamu ngga suka? FISIKA!
28. Siapa temen kamu yang paling aneh di kelas? kenapa? ciska, suka sakit sih wkwkwk :P
29. Gebetan kamu waktu itu? R*** A*****
30. Yang paling kamu kangenin dari sekolah? kebersamaan sama sahabat-sahabat gue

Tentang Si Dia :

31. Gebetan / Pacar? Gebetan
32. Siapa tuh namanya berani sebut ngga? *ehem*
33. Kenal dimana? di sekolah
34. Tau makanan kesukannya ngga? semua dia telen!
35. Kira-kira dia lagi ngapain ya sekarangg? ngeband sama temennya
36. Kenapa sih kamu suka sama dia? because i love the way he smile
37. Dia unyu banget kalo lagi ngapain sih? kalo lagi ketawa lepas :D
38. Lagu yang kamu dan dia banget? last child - pedih
39. Terakhir kali ketemu dia kapan? dimana? bulan desember 2010, di sekolah
40. Pengen banget pergi kemana sih sama dia? ke paris, *AHAY!

Tentang lain-lain :

41. Pengen banget bisa ngelakuin apa? terbang keliling planet
42. Pengen banget pergi ke negara apa? ke Amerika, Korea Selatan
43. Sesuatu yang pengen banget kamu punya/beli? blackberry
44. Pekerjaan impian kamu? work at disney channel become an editor
45. Artis favorit kamu? ashley tisdale
46. Kalo skrg kamu bisa ketemu sama siapa aja, pengen ketemu siapa? si dia (senyum ngenes!)
47. Orang pertama yang kamu follow di twitter? si cindy anjani
48. Benda kesayangan kamu yang ilang? foto-foto dia di hp yang ke reset
49. Sesuatu yang kamu jago banget ngelakuinnya? KENTUT!

Last Child - Pedih

Engkau yang sedang patah hati
Menangislah dan jangan ragu ungkapkan

Betapa pedih hati yang tersakiti
Racun yang membunuhmu secara perlahan
Engkau yang saat ini pilu
Betapa menanggung beban kepedihan
Tumpahkan sakit itu dalam tangismu
Yang menusuk relung hati yang paling dalam
Hanya diri sendiri
Yang tak mungkin orang lain akan mengerti
Di sini ku temani kau dalam tangismu
Bila air mata dapat cairkan hati
Kan ku cabut duri pedih dalam hatimu
Agar kulihat, senyum di tidurmu malam nanti
Anggaplah semua ini
Satu langkah dewasakan diri
Dan tak terpungkiri
Juga bagi...
Engkau yang hatinya terluka
Di peluk nestapa tersapu derita
Seiring saat keringnya air mata
Tak mampu menahan pedih yang tak ada habisnya
Hanya diri sendiri
Yang tak mungkin orang lain akan mengerti
Di sini ku temani kau dalam tangismu
Bila air mata dapat cairkan hati
Kan ku cabut duri pedih dalam hatimu
Agar kulihat, senyum di tidurmu malam nanti
Anggaplah semua ini
Satu langkah dewasakan diri
Dan tak terpungkiri
Juga bagi..mu...

a word with red tint means what i feel right now

What Happen Tomorrow?

Let's see what will happen tomorrow?

Besok bakal aada pembagian rapot untuk siswa siswi SMA Mardi Waluya, Cibinong. Kerja keras selama 1 tahun ditentukan besok. Apa gue naek kelas ato nggak?! Itu pertanyaan siswa siswi angkatan 4 dan 5. Seminggu sebelumnya diadakan remedial bagi siswa dan siswi yang nilainya kurang ataupun yang belum mengumpulkan tugas. Banyak gosip-gosip yang beredar, yang katanya si ini gak naik lah, si itu gak naiklah. Untuk bocah-bocah seperti gua yang sangat santai dan gak peduli kehidupan, lebih suka nangkring di rumah temen dan sebagainya. Yah pokoknya ga terlalu musingin pembagian rapot yang mengesalkan ini. Ternyata bagi anak kelas 11 masalah gak terbatas hanya pembagian rapot aja melainkan laporan study lapangan yang sangat amat mengesalkan, mulai dari penyusunan laporan yang sangat rumit, minta revisi kesana-sini, tanda tangan lembar pengesahan dan hard cover. Sungguh amat menguras otak manusia!

Yah intinya WISH US LUCK!

Back To December

This song really touch my heart, have a deep meaning in the lyrics.
Singer : Taylor Swift
Album. : Speak Now
Tittle : Back to December

Here are the lyrics, enjoy it :)

I'm so glad you made time to see me
How's life? Tell me, how's your family?
I haven't seen them in a while

You've been good, busier than ever
We small talk, work and the weather
Your guard is up, and I know why

Because the last time you saw me
Is still burned in the back of your mind
You gave me roses, and I left them there to die

So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time

It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December, turn around and make it alright
I go back to December all the time

These days, I haven't been sleeping
Staying up, playing back myself leaving
When your birthday passed, and I didn't call

Then I think about summer, all the beautiful times
I watched you laughing from the passenger side
And realized I loved you in the fall

And then the cold came, the dark days
When fear crept into my mind
You gave me all your love, and all I gave you was goodbye

So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time

It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December, turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time

I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile
So good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms that September night
The first time you ever saw me cry

Maybe this is wishful thinking
Probably mindless dreaming
But if we loved again, I swear I'd love you right

I'd go back in time and change it, but I can't
So if the chain is on your door, I understand

This is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December

It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December, turn around and make it alright
I go back to December, turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time, all the time

this song remind me to someone, yeah someone I should forget

untitled and unheart

You play me like a game
Hours wasted on you that I can never reclaim
You were the one who pulled the strings
Kept me caged, clipped my wings.

In your hands, you held my heart
Before my eyes, you tore it apart
Now I sit here broken, dead and alone
In the bare cold night, my hands like stone
My plans and dreams thrown into the wind
Your lies and bullshit I have skinned.

You say you're sorry, you say you care
You've lost you last friend, now I'm your spare
She sets up the pieces on the board
Eager to start, thinks she's scored
I am ready, I won't be fooled twice
This time, I roll the dice.

April Wish :)

Am I not Good Enough For You?

I have been crying and crying for weeks
How'd I survive when I can barely speak
Barely eat,On my knees

But that's the moment you came to me
I don't know what your love has done to me
Think I'm invincible I see
Through the me ,I used to be

You changed my whole life
Don't know what your doing to me with your love
I'm feeling all Super human
You did that to me
Super human heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you, superhuman
Super human
Super human
Super human

Since I've been flying and righting the wrongs
Feels almost like i had it all along
I can see tomorrow
But every problem is gone because
I flew everywhere with love inside of me
It's unbelievable to see
How love could set me free

You changed my whole life
Don't know what your doing to me with your love
I'm feeling all Super human
You did that to me
Super human heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you, superhuman
Super human
Super human

Its not a bird
Not a plane

Its my heart and its gonna go away

My only weakness is you
Only reason is you
Every minute with you I feel like I can do

Going going I'm going away
In love
You changed my whole life
Don't know what your doing to me with your love
I'm feeling all Super human
You did that to me
Super human heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you, superhuman
Super human
Super human !

How My Life Works

♥ Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets.So love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don't.And believe that everything happens for a reason,if you get a chance-take it,if it changes your life-let it.Nobody said that it would be easy.They just promised it would be worth it!

The amazing moments in life:
1.Coming home late and going straight to bed.
2.Buying amazing clothes that you found on sale.
3.Holding hands.
4.Unexpected moments that become your memories.
5.Talking on the phone until five in the morning.
6.Resting on someone's chest.
7.Taking long showers that wash away your worries.
8.Feeling strong cuz you finally belong somewhere.
9.Deciding what you want to do with your life.
10.Feeling satisfied after a delicious meal.
11.Falling asleep instantly when you're upset.
12.Meeting people that happen to change your life.
13.When you have a great night of sleep.
14.Drinking a cup of tea.
15.Realizing everything is going to be okay!

Sometimes you feel like you just wanna explode!

1.Whoever comes are the right people.
2.Whatever happens is the only thing that could have happened.
3.Whenever it starts is the right time.
4.When it's over,it's over.

I am not confident.
I know I am smart,but not in a way that counts.
I read people much better than books.
I am only as funny as I feel.
And I don't think I'm pretty.
Sometimes I walk with my head down.
My posture is terrible.
I think horrible things about people.
And I let my emotions get the best of me.
I am really not as nice as I would like to be.
Or as innocent as you would think I am.
I am a perfectionist.
I am a contradiction of everything I want to stand for.
I am a big dreamer with little motivation.

Gallery of ART and TECHNOLOGY

Sunday, 13 March 2011.

I went to gallery of ART and TECHNOLOGY in Sudirman. I saw so many cheap technology in there, the one make me really want it is the windows laptop! Seriously the camera really cool, if i didn't wrong it's about 3.2 Megapixels. Oh God, it's on discount! From 4.8 billion become 3.2 billion. Oh, i really want it! But i din't got it, cause my dad didn't bring so much money. So i went to ART gallery. I saw many photo in there. Me and my sister take some picture with the photos :D

Here are some pictures in the Gallery :

from ME to YOU







That's All The Words I Want To Say

Happy Birthday Honey :)

Happy Birthday my beloved CINDY ANJANI.

Pertama gue kenal lo pas kita masih SD, jelas saat itu dimata gue lo adalah peranakan jin piyo-piyo, kenapa gue bilang gitu karena jelas dari atas sampe bawah lo pake pernak-pernik piyo-piyo.

Dan kita ketemu lagi pas SMA dan kebetulan gue sekelas sama lo, dan kita mulai deket setelah UTS semester 1. Lo banyak cerita ke gue, nangis-nangsi di baju gue, dan kemana-mana sama gue. Kalo ada masalah juga laporan sama gue. Berasa satpam gue jadinya!  

Gue pengen cerita semuanya tentang lo dimata gue :)

Setiap orang ada sisi negative dan positive nya, dan gue yakin lo tau juga tentang hal itu!

Oke dimulai dari yang positivenya :
* Lo ga pelit kalo ada orang minjem barang lo
* Lo pinter bergaul
* Lo lucu dan gokil

Dan yang negativenya adalah :
* Anda manja
* Cengeng banget apalagi soal si welly
* Ga bisa ngatur keuangan

Oke selama hampir 2 tahun ini gue deket sama lo ada beberapa fakta-fakta yang harus gue sampaikan yaitu :
# Waktu kelas 1 hampir setiap hari gue nyelamatin hidup lo, dari mulai nyebrang hamper ketabrak, jalan juga hamper ketabrak pokoknya semuanya dah.
# Pas kelas 1 gue pernah ngejalanin program diet buat lo, dalam 1minggu itu berhasil tapi seminggu kemudian teng…teng… lo mulai makan sepuas hati lagi
# Dan banyak fakta-fakta laen yang males gue jelasin karena banyaknya bukan maen!

Oke maaf ya Nday kalo gue gabisa ngasih kado, gue cuma bisa ngepost ini doang. :) Hope you all the best, God bless and love you always Honey :*

Here are some pictures of my Cindy Anjani

Putting freezing cold hands on someone warm!

When a guy calls you HOT,he looks at your BODY
When a guy calls you pretty,he looks at your FACE
When a guy calls you gorgeous,he looks at your CLOTHES
But when he calls you BEAUTIFUL,he sees EVERYTHING! :)

<3This is how it works:
You're young until you're not
You love until you don't
You try until you can't
You laugh until you cry
And everyone must breathe until their dying breath!

I was thinking about him, thinking about me.
Thinking about us, what we gonna be?
Open my eyes, yeah; it was only just a dream..

The Cutest Baby Boy :)

Well he is the cutest BABY BOY, i have ever met
His name is David Joe Alexander Rieuwpassa
Well, i know him from my friends, actually David is my friends brother.
My friends name is Hogla Deborah Ester Rieuwpassa.
Well, like sister like brother :) Both of them are funny person and cute.
When i went to hogla home, david usually greet us. :)

Okay, here are some pictures of David :)

This is my favorite :)
 Look his style

Playing with his toys :)

David with Hogla :)